Trusted by over 19741 people worldwide

Safety service sets very high requirements to the security of transactions.

Complete confidentiality of the entered information

Information about our clients is confidential and never passed to third parties. We do not send advertisements. All data on transactions and accounts of users are not subject to disclosure and can be given out only at the reasonable request of authorized authorities or administrations of payment systems.

Protection of users from input errors.

In order to avoid errors when entering your details, you can register and fill in the relevant data fields, in the future, even in case of erasure and loss of cookies, your data will be saved. Nevertheless, even without registration, the data entered by you when making a transaction are stored in cookies in the browser of your computer, so in this case you do not need to constantly enter your wallet number, account number and e-mail.

Protection from fraudsters.

Anonymity of the Internet and convenience of using electronic payment systems attracts a huge number of fraudsters. Administration of service wants to remind you once again some safety rules to protect you from illegal actions of fraudsters:

We never ask you for passwords to your e-wallets or myAlpari. If you receive such a request, it is a scam.

If you receive an email asking you to sell or buy currency privately at a discounted rate or with deferred payment - this is fraud. We never work bypassing our company's official website.

We never mail Word, Excel or other files that may contain viruses, trojans or spyware.

If you receive a suspicious letter signed by the site administration, be sure to contact us via the feedback form to clarify who the sender is.