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Exchange Litecoin Tether TON

Reserve 302 670 USDT

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Please note! In this direction of exchange there are additional commissions when exchanging less than 43 LTC. When exchanging less than 43 LTC the rate is fixed for 18 minutes without recalculation, as there is a fixed commission and you will receive exactly the amount you see in the “Receive” field. The amount of additional commission will be automatically taken into account, its size will be displayed under the “Give” field. If you exchange more than 43 LTC - the rate is fixed at the moment of creating a request for 18 minutes. If the rate deviates by more than 0.00001% - the rate will be recalculated. Fixation of the rate occurs on the exchange Binance, HTX, WhiteBit, depending on the best quotes at the time of fixation. Our commission is 0.4%, when the exchange is more than 43 LTC. The order is considered paid when the required number of confirmations is reached in the network of the coin or token you are sending. For LTC it is 10 confirms. 

In case of high volatility on the stock exchange, the transmission of the actual rate may be with a slight delay. In case - if you see the rate better than on any exchange, keep in mind - it will be fixed on the exchange and recalculated! You will NOT be able to earn money by making a parallel transaction on the exchange. We are an exchange service, not a platform for cryptocurrency arbitrage.

By creating an order for exchange, you automatically waive any claims to the exchange and monitoring. Rules and explanations are duplicated both on the application page and on the page of Rules and Agreements.


Ольга Турковская 2/14/25, 12:48 AM

Благодарю за прекрасную работу. Всё прошло качественно. Спасибо вам большое за терпение и за общение.

Борис Макарчук 2/11/25, 7:28 PM

Обмінник гарний, була ситуація з невірною адресою бітка гаманця з мого боку, зі мною зв'язались, замінили , все вирішили. дякую.

Иван Ровнов 2/6/25, 3:28 PM

Обожаю этот обменник, всегда моментально обменивают, никогда не было проблем. Техподдержка отвечает достаточно оперативно.

Марина Клякса 2/4/25, 2:14 PM

В очередной раз — быстро, просто и с минимальными комиссиями. Благодарю, сотрудничаем дальше.

Павло Кулакін 2/2/25, 10:43 PM

Як завжди, все на належному рівні! Вже більше двох місяців невеликими сумами обмінююсь і завжди позитивний результат. Дякую сайту за швидкість та чесність, сподіваюся надалі завжди так і продовжуватиметься.

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